Healthy Wife... Happy Life

Friday, January 13, 2012

Sugar.... the devil...

Sugar.... the devil...
(Recipe at end)
Ha... that is what I was told last year in the midst of a joke when I first began my journey.  I do love sweets.  I love candy, the sweet kinds, and every night after dinner I just HAD to have something sweet to satisfy myself.  My meal did not feel complete without the "clean plate" reward.    Who would have thought that when I decided to take this small pleasure out of my diet that I would face any withdrawal?  Well boy did I.  I was tired, I was cranky, and I was getting headaches, along with feeling nauseous.  I realized just how much of my diet had sugars in it.  I enjoyed carbohydrates and often went through my day eating little bits here and there, something quick and easy.  What I found was that goldfish, pretzels, lean cuisine, and a quick protein bar were not satisfying my body’s real needs.  I was tired mid day and felt hungrier than ever. 
From birth we are hardwired to prefer the taste of "Sweet".  This type of sweet is not processed sugars though; it is God Made sugars.... apples, pears, oranges, bananas, and true grains.  Carbohydrates release the feel good chemical serotonin.  Sugars are carbohydrates, which release serotonin and endorphins and in turn we get a good feeling and a natural high.  The problem here is nowadays, many of our options are not straight from the earth, but processed and filled with other things.  Because of this, the high is short lived and our body is left wanting more.  No one can argue that sweets taste GOOD, but on the flip side they leave us wanting more.  The problem comes not when we indulge in a sweet treat now and then, but when we over-consume, something that’s easy to do when sugar is added to many processed foods, including breads, yogurt, juices, and sauces. Throughout time we have evolved and so has our food choices.  Companies take the grains and fruits and process them to add flavor.  Unfortunately those additives are not what we need to achieve good health.  For women, those sugars and carbohydrates are not burned off easily.  The body has such highs and lows due to these foods that instead of burning them, they store them in the stomach and thigh areas. 
In this journey it truly is about getting Back to the Basics. Slowly making different choices.  Fruits and vegetables straight from the store, whole grains, cutting your fun portion by a half, chewing gum when you need something sweet, eating more often to avoid hunger build up, and drinking lots of water.  I decided to go cold turkey and although it was a hard couple of days, I made it through.  I do enjoy a sweet here and there still, but by cleaning up my choices I felt less of a need for the handful of M&M's and more energy then I felt before.
Now to share my favorite nightly treat.  I did say earlier that I just HAD to have a sweet after dinner and I still do.  Warm Cinnamon Apples.  Tastes a bit like the apple in apple pie and satisfies my sweet tooth too.  There are many benefits to apples in the evening.  Apples are a terrific source of fiber and are primarily made up of water.  These fibers help control cholesterol and help with heart disease and weight loss.  
Cinnamon is a terrific spice option.  It helps control insulin and cholesterol levels in the body, it controls how the body metabolizes fats and carbohydrates, and helps control fat deposits in our bodies.   Now I think it is wonderful and you may to the first time, or you may think, well it’s not apple pie.  I want you to remember one thing…. Change takes time.  Our bodies are used to fructose, sugar, sugar, and sugar.  We are changing our body’s interpretation of “sweets” and getting back to the basics, one step at a time. One more I love, Peanut Butter Cookies... flour not included.  :)

Cinnamon Apple Dessert
One apple (your choice, I like granny smith) cut and cored
1tablespoon Cinnamon
1 tablespoon Stevia.
Mix stevia and cinnamon (you may want to add more of one or the other; it is based on your personal taste).  Spoon all over cut apple slices.  Now you can cook two different ways.  For quick enjoyment, place apples on microwavable safe plate.  Microwave for 60 to 70 seconds.  Let stand for 2 minutes and eat.  Another option is to take the apple once sprinkled and put pieces back together.  Place in aluminum foil as a ball and cook in oven at 350 for 30 to 40 minutes.  This is definitely something you can play with.  You may enjoy them with a bit of crispness to them, or you may enjoy them soft.  I love them on the softer side.  Add a glass of water with this and I guarantee you will feel satisfied and full.


1 cup peanut butter
1 egg
1 cup stevia (or 3/4 cup if you prefer it less sweet)

Preheat oven to 350°F.

Mix peanut butter, stevia, and egg together in a large bowl. After all the ingredients have been combined, roll the peanut butter mixture into 1 inch balls.

Place on an ungreased cookie sheet. Press down with a fork. Once the oven has pre-heated, put the cookies in the oven for 10 to 12 minutes. When they are done, let cool for 5 minutes.

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